Face skin care. Purulent rashes- acne, pimples, comedone, staphylococcus, papilloma virus, face seborrhea, spots.
“Molisan” restores skin natural balance, outputs pus in case of its existence, decreases irritation, soothes skin and strengthens its protective reactions.
It is necessary to handle face, neck, hands and feet skin with «Molisan” moisture cotton-gauze swab to clean its surface daily from atmospheric pollutions, fats, make-up traces and dead cells. It’s desirable to repeat this procedure after skin drying.
“Molisan” is a herbal remedy and quantity of “Molisan” applications during the day is not limited. The more often “Molisan” is used during the day (5-6 times or more), the faster desirable effect is reached. Face washing after its use is not necessary.
“Molisan” rejuvenates skin, contributes to disappearing of pimples, comedones, rashes, sun or age caused pigmented spots. For this latter disappearing it is also effective to use “Molisan” dressings. “Molisan” is actively used in adolescence period, skin is purified and rashes disappear.
During the period of “Molisan” application, try to relax your skin from chemical agents. It is better to visit dermatologist in order to diagnose the reason of rashes.
After ordinary procedures of morning and evening face washing it is helpful to wash face, neck, hands and ear skin with Molisan. In order to make skin elastic and dense you should wait until “Molisan” evaporates.
Wash with Molisan and you will see how the feeling of skin tension disappears. Usually that feeling appears when you wash tap water.
In order to avoid skin irritation after shaving it is helpful to use Molisan washing (instead of cologne, gel or lotion).
To achieve maximum effect with the aim of biological residues and toxins removal from the body it is recommended to take “Living Water” for the period of 25-30 days. “Living Water” improves stomach action, metabolism and is characterized by stimulatory and tonic effect. In case of excess weight you can reach weight correction effect.
You should drink at least 2 liters of “Living Water” in a day as a minimum: 30-60 ml per 1 kg body weight (it is better to drink 2 glasses) 20-30 min before each meal and during the day.
I’m delighted with the things that “Molisan” made. I have 15-years experience in cosmetology and I must admit that very often it’s hard to prescribe to my patients a remedy, which handles all kind of infectious rashes. I’m very delighted with the things that “Molisan” could do. I tried to use “Molisan” in case of my 12 year old girl and achieved the best result. Since then I’m use “Molisan” actively. Really, thanks a lot to Mr David for such a unique medication; it must be in every family to heal different diseases. I can’t even live one day without “Molisan”. Thanks, Mr David that you exist and for giving us a possibility to help our patients. I’m very satisfied with your medication, my patients call me to express their gratitude and this is your merit.
I express my satisfaction, Mr David, my satisfaction with your medication. My 19-year-old kid had rashes on the forehead. No tonal ointments, no covering crèmes could hide these rashes. It was purulent rash.
And Molisan did the following: it intensified redness, worsened purulent rash, at the start it picked up everything for one week and when it picked up everything, then festering process began to subside. Then it started to decrease, decrease, decrease and it slowly began to disappear, disappear, disappear and finally disappeared. Now her skin face is significantly improved.
She also has virus on her face, which we call papilloma virus. We visited another professor and were using some ointments, but …. Molisan scratched and peeled it all off.
Thank you very much, Mr. David. I couldn’t keep silence as I’m so satisfied. May God strengthen you and make you happy.
Hello, Mr.David. I’m very happy that I met you, as those problems, which we couldn’t solve with the help of classical medicine, and result that we reached in my child’s case with your help…..
The result that we reached in the case of my young child, the problem that couldn’t be solved with the help of any cosmetologist, any dermatologist and when we applied your mecication for one night only and the next morning we received such a result that we became free from our problem.
And what did Molisan do? That nest, the nest with pus and blood located at the base of the ear for a long time. The nest was increasing, and then decreasing from time to time. And it was opened by Molisan and all black damaged blood located inside of it broke outside. It cleaned the surface. And visually it is not as increased as before. Moreover, when you touch it there is no pain. The kid is very enthusiastic, whether it is possible that Molisan could do it. And yes, it was achieved with the help of Molisan.
My kid is 12 years old. Starting from adolescence age, rashes appeared on his face. It was unpleasant for her. I used different types of ointments, but practically with no result. Afterwards, I decided to use Molisan. I was cleaning her face with Molisan each morning. And we reached the result in 10 days. Purulent rash disappeared from my girl’s face. Molisan cleaned her face and returned her original appearance.
It is the genius novelty- it is easy to say!!!
On the lower lid of my kid appeared uncertain, I would say, fatty deposits. Doctors told fortunes, in the full sense of this word, and of course, they couldn’t help us. Only after surgical operation they promised us recovery. We started Molisan use and exactly after 1 week the outgrowth started to decrease. And after 1 month I would not say it disappeared totally, but it was seen only with naked eye. For the moment 2 months have passed and there is nothing at all!!!
Thank you, Mr. David, for this real miracle of nature. After this fact my teenager kid’s only medication is Molisan. He uses it on his face, armpits, and feet and appreciates it real much as he tried wonderful opportunities of Molisan on himself. Thank you so much!!!
We were suffering from acne vulgaris for 2 years. It started from adolescence period. We visited many doctors and used different medications but achieved no result. We couldn’t reach decreasing of purulent rash and red spots on her face.
Our close person gave us an advice to use Molisan. We had no hope. We started to use is superficially and in 3 days purulent rashes started to clean. Her skin was healed and I saw my kid’s face after years.
Thank you so much!
Molisan medication, I would call it a miracle, as I felt its wonderful effectiveness on myself. Acne, allergy to the sun, is one of the most hard to treat diseases. It is hard to be treated with drug therapy.
Different ways of treatment, expensive face care products and many other things, that I tried, but unfortunately, I had result only in the process of treatment.е.
It reflected on my nervous system, as for all, especially for women, it is very hard to have problems with face skin. But my problem was solved by Molisan, that I found accidentally in internet.
At first I looked at this drug doubtfully, as I had no hope. But anyway, I tried it and result exceeded my expectations.P.S. I could say it with no doubt: trust Molisan!
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. David, who created this miracle and helped me to believe that acne is curable too.
Khatuna. 14.11.2014.
My face skin is very dry and I used nutritious crèmes, day crèmes. Could you imagine that I use Molisan? It causes slight skin tension but in 5 minutes I don’t feel that tension any more. During the day my face has such a spectacular look, that it is already noticeable. My co-workers mentioned it. I notice it too. I’m very satisfied.
Why didn’t I know it before, that this remedy exists? Why didn’t my dermatologist advice me that agent? We passed 7 courses of treatment, under the direction of a well-known dermatologist.
I tell about Molisan to all people around me. All the persons I know. I’m very satisfied with your remedy, Mr. David. Thank you so much.
I want to express my gratitude for the fact that Molisan is placed in a big bottle. I mean, it worth the money we pay for it. Most of expensive drugs are placed in small bottles, and it means there is small amount of medication placed in it. I don’t know, based on my economical situation, I realized it. That it really costs that price, 27 GeoLari. Thanks you so much.
I didn’t want to place my comments regarding results of Molisan use, but I’m forced to do it…. People!
Let’s agree that all organisms are individual and there are thousands reasons of rashes…. For example, problems with stomach… or caused by age and so on…. And also skin types are different.
I.e. I want to say that a medication can’t be right for everyone to 100%.
Some people write that, “that’s not right for me, I have no result…. In reality, it is not a wonderful elixir… You must wash your face with special “anti- acne” soaps, and then apply Molisan…. Often!!!
As for me: I had rashes all over my face starting from the age of 13. I tried different things but now I’m 20 years old and still have rashes. I”m using Molisan for one week and I swear by my mother, my face turned so white, so softened that I don’t know what to say…. I have no new rashes; there are only old, picked spots to be treated. So, I’m very satisfied.
And I want to turn to people, who leave indignant comments here… Do not write such things. Other people will think that Molisan helps no one and they will decide not to use it. The fact that Molisan is not right for you does not mean that it can’t be right for someone else, for example people like me. Thanks Molisan!!!
Molisan did it: it managed to return smile on my face!
All of us had such a moment in life, when you suffer from something deeply. I don’t know what the priority in your life is, but as for me, care for my visual look is very important. And firstly, it must be expressed in clean and softened skin.
I had rashes on my forehead several months ago. And for me it was a “tragedy”. All day long I complained and thought how to solve this problem. I decided to visit dermatologist. But I changed my mind when I read information about Molisan from internet. Of course, it is very hard to trust a thing, which you found on Facebook, but letters and comments placed on Molisan site made deep impression on me and I decided to buy it.
At the beginning I didn’t receive good result, but it was my fault, as I didn’t use it properly. When I started to use it properly, I felt the real result very soon. The result was amazing and brilliant. Molisan did it: managed to return smile on my face. Nowadays I use Molisan for other goals and I still believe that it will never make me feel disappointed.
I’m happy with the fact that Molisan exists. Owing to it, my face skin is healthy. I had staphylococcal rash and no result after treatment. My last attempt was Molisan use. I thought I would try to use it and now I achieved result on my face.
My friend gave me an advice to use Molisan. Firstly, I didn’t believe it was so good and the effect will be pretty quick. It is about one month since I’ve started to use Molisan and I didn’t have to wait for result for too long. Face rashes became more purulent, and after that they start to disappear.
I was very surprised and happy with the way medication worked in my case. I must admit, that I used several ointments with different names before. Some of them had results, but not for a long period of time. When I stopped using an ointment, my rashes were coming back on my face. As for Molisan, I’m very satisfied with it… After 1 month use redness and rashes disappeared. There are 3 months for the moment since I’ve stopped its use, but result is very stable. This problem disappeared with the help of Molisan and not temporarily, but at all. Thanks Molisan and its creator.
I love Molisan!!! The most useful medication in the world! My savior! And most likely the savior of so many people!
...Before I started Molisan use, I didn’t believe that my skin would ever turn clean. I used so many things, went to many places, to many doctors. I had complexes at the beginning, but afterwards I got used to my situation. One day I was hopeless, I thought I could never heal my face! But my cousin gave me a small amount of Molisan and told me that maybe it would work. I applied it with no hope before I went to sleep. The next morning rashes appeared all over my face. But I was using medication for 1 month regularly and rashes were appearing on my face all month long. Now there are 3 months since I’m using it and achieved an ideal result.
Thanks God that Molisan exists! May God give you joy and support!
Molisan is a miracle! I have 15 years experience in cosmetology and finally found a remedy which I freely can recommend to my patients and be sure of the fact, that it helps to heal hard to be treated acne, even staphylococcal infections is killed without any trace. Thanks Mr David for this unique remedy.
I agree with you, Molisan is a miraculous thing. In case of the wound, that couldn’t be healed with the use of different ointments for 6 months (in a patient with stroke), Molisan careated miracles in one week. The wound was healed as it was nothing there before. Molisan must be in every family.
My friends, I didn’t believe this medication, but I took a risk and bought it: let me try it on myself, what kind of medication it is. I was suffering from acne and face rashes. It was my dream to have beautiful and clean face skin. My friends, I want to tell you that Molisan made my dream come true. I recommend it to everyone to use Molisan. People, I tell you from my own experience, I’m not exaggerating. Thanks to people who created Molisan.
I had a light inflammatory process on my gums caused by teeth whitener. I was abroad then and I couldn’t visit a doctor. However, I had Molisan. I was making Molisan swabs and was handling my gums with it, I also was making Molisan garglings. And Molisan helped me. I also had infectious warts which appeared after my vacation at the seaside. They were appearing on different areas of my body from time to time. And Molisan helped me.
I must admit, that I had no face rashes, but I was on diet and as you know during a diet face skin loses its characteristics. I applied Molisan and it purified my skin face totally and gave back its color. In my case Molisan stopped hair loss and made my sculp skin healthy. I use it for make-up removing, and I don’t use any lotions any more. Molisan is the lotion and everything for me. I take it everywhere with me as a mascot. May God bring you joy. A thing like Molisan wasn’t been invented in Georgia for a long time.
I could write a dissertation regarding Molisan as there are so many good words I can say about it. I told my mother as a joke that I should create and put a monument to Molisan creator as I’m so satisfied with this remedy.
Thank you very much for the perfect medication “Molisan”. My mother received leg injury, she is 75 years old and great problem started: starting stage of trophic ulcer. It’s early to talk about final results of treatment, but process has started and very apparent. I’m going to keep making requests of this medication. Let’s hope that we can solve this problem.
For treatment of trophic ulcer starting stage I was making hot compresses of “Molisan” for 30-40 minutes not less than 3 times a day. Effect of medication was seen after 1st application.
I also want to share my experience, if you make a little warm dressing of “Molisan” in the morning and in the evening, “Molisan” is warmed on water bath to 40° , effect it’s better, penetration of medication is deeper.
Buy “Molisan”, start using it and you’ll necessarily achieve a good result. I was looking at this medication with doubt, but when I started using it, I really got a perfect result. And I’m very glad.
I had rashes on my face, more precisely on my forehead. I bought Molisan and used it for 1 month. It is unbelievable, but there was nothing that could help me. But Molisan managed to clean my face totally. I’m very grateful and thanks to the person who created Molisan, such a unique remedy. 6 months passed since I stopped using it, I didn’t use it anymore and it is not necessary for me to use it now.
It is unbelievable. It must be in every family….
Molisan is just a miracle. I can’t describe it verbally….
I want to share my private experience: Molisan effect in pediatrician practice is incomparable. Use of pampers is accompanied by allergic reactions: redness, rashes, itching and so on. After Molisan use all the symptoms disappeared totally in 1-2 days. Damaged area is handled with cotton-gauze tampon moistered in Molisan solution.
I’m a dentist. I couldn’t help myself from leaving a comment about this unique and universal medicationMolisan. It gives an unbelievable effect on treatment of different diseases of oral cavity, such as inflammation process, tooth extraction, eliminates bad breath. It is incredible for treatment of paradontosis and gingivitis. With Respect, Nato Kvitashvili.
Molisan - is a miracle, it is also effectives for papillomes!!!
My kid bought it, she had face rash, and Molisan helped it!!!
Afterwards I decided to try it on my papillommes. I was applying a cloth soaked in Molisan on my neck each day for 15 minutes two times a day. I got a miraculous result; it healed almost half of my papillomas. I’m going to buy one more bottle for me, to purify my skin totally. It is a wonderful medication!!!!
I wish joy to its creators.
Thanks to the person, who created Molisan. It treated trophic ulcer which my mom had. I tried many things, but all medications were in vain. It is very strong. Use it necessarily; Molisan is the best!!!!!!!
It is very good for treatment of different diseases. Thank you for Molisan.
Molisan is unrepeatable. I’m very satisfied with it.
I personally used Molisan. I had a terrible situation on my face. I hesitated for a long time. I couldn’t believe it was so effective. Thanks to Molisan creator.
I bought Molisan and it gave me a very good result!! And please, do not write that it has no result. When I visited this site for the first time and read about opportunities of Molisan and some comments, I lost my desire to buy it. But then I made my choice and I’m very satisfied.
Molisan is a very effective remedy. It really has results. I’ve bought the 4th bottle already. Due to Molisan lesions of pigmented spots and freckles revealed on my skin during pregnancy totally disappeared. Now I use foundations rarely as my skin was cleaned and whitened owing to Molisan.
My kids had increased tonsils; we were making preparations for surgery. During running noses I was dripping Molisan and in 2 days flu disappeared. And our tonsils, you may believe it or not, decreased in size and it caused no unpleasant feelings. I also drink “Living Water”; it helps in weight correction, and cleanses the body very well. It is really strong.
Even one course of Molisan is so effective that you will be surprised and frankly speaking Molisan is really a very strong remedy.
I live in Turkey, read advertising and comments regarding Molisan on Facebook. I bought it in Batumi, at the pharmacy named “Tabo” if I’m not mistaken, and it helped me very much. If people in Turkey knew about Molisan, all of them would buy it.
I also used it and I’m using Molisan now. It is a fantastic remedy for face cleaning and nails fungi. After several applications I had good result. I recommend it to everyone, it is really truthful!
It is a very good remedy for rashes… it is very effective indeed.
What medication I have not bought for rashes, but none of them is compared to Molisan. It is a very strong medication!!! Super.
Molisan is really the best; it helps to treat so many conditions. We tried it in our family.
I made Molisan wash outs of nasal cavity and it helped me to cure sinusitis.
I’m satisfied.
It is wonderful. Molisan helped us very much.
It is useful not only for skin… it gave me such a result at hair loss, that you could hardly imagine. Molisan is one of the best medications and needs to be distributed. Thanks to the person, who was working on its creation.
Molisan helped me very much. I used it almost for 3 months and my skin was so cleaned with its help that you could hardly imagine it there was any rashes on it before.
I’m very happy that medication called Molisan exists.
Indeed, may God grant you joy… Molisan is a real savior.
Molisan indeed is a very strong medication. I often had herpes in the form of aphthous stomatitis. After Molisan use for 3-4 times I have no complaints.
My father is a litter patient and he has bedsores. And what I just did not do, it took a long period of time to cure them. Not long ago I tried it on a new bedsore. And now I can hardly express my gratitude. It purified it totally after I washed and cleaned the bedsore surface. However, I got tired with the process of buying and using different ointments, sometimes streptocide, sometimes baby powder to dry its surface and afterwards washing it out. I used to spend one hour for its careful cleaning. I placed gauze soaked in Molisan on bedsore surface and in half an hour I cleaned it and it was purified. I sighed with a relief. Thanks a lot for this magic liquid. May God grant joy to its creator.
I’ve heard a lot about Molisanand I was always suspicious…. For example regarding comments, why all of them are written in Georgian fonts, maybe they got special pages created beforehand and they place comments by themselves… but anyway I’ve tried it and… you can believe me or not, that it is exactly the thing they are talking about. The result is fantastic. I write it especially using English font.
Molisan is a great remedy. Everyone must have it at home. I’m satisfied with it.
I can’t speak for others, but Molisan really helped me. I got it now and I use it to make my subcutaneous lesions melt away. .. It is very effective.
I’m a cosmetologist with 12 year work experience. I use Molisan after deep face cleaning. It soothes and recovers irritated skin very well. And what is important prevents from any possible complication.
I’ve started Molisan use for 4 days already. In 3 days pigmented spots disappeared from my face; as for allergic rashes, they intensified. Afterwards I’ve diluted it with water and for now face rashes are almost cleaned up, redness decreased significantly. I also use it for veins expansion. Of course, it is a long time process… I will inform you about former results in near future. Thanks, I’m satisfied.
Since I’ve started to smear Molisan on my face, those fine rashes caused by the sun light totally disappeared. Thank Molisan!
At first rashes are breaking out on your face and only after it is cleaning. Molisan helped to clean up my face very well, regardless the fact that I visited so many doctors before, and not only in Georgia, but abroad.
Molisan is really a unique medication, with 100% result. My child used it in adolescence period, his face purified totally. After it Molisan is number 1st drug in our family!
Hello, I’m very satisfied with your product Molisan. It helped me to pass through adolescence period without any complexes. Let me express my gratitude once again. I recommend Molisan to all!
Molisan is the best remedy for wounds healing and for chronic tonsillitis process. Thank you very much Mr. David for Molisan creation.
We tried Molisan on many things and we liked it very much. I try to have it at home always as it helps almost everything…
I use Molisan for my face for 1 month already. And I’m very satisfied with it.
Molisan is healing, indeed!
Molisan worked on my skin with great effect. I had face rash and Molisan caused its total elimination. Molisan is also ideal for burns treatment!! Briefly, I could hardly expect such an effect. I thought it would work lightly but… I received an opposite result.
Thank you so much for such an unbelievable Molisan.
I can call it miraculous Molisan.
Thanks to its creators and inventors.
I’m very surprised with Molisan. More than a year passed since I’ve found it and I use it practically for everything: on my face, hair and as a throat gargling (my kid had purulent tonsillitis and we received an outstanding result). Molisan is such a thing that you can replace medicine chest with it.
I want to say so many good words about Molisan, but I prefer to express it with one word only: LOVE it.
May God grant you joy… Molisan is a real savior!
I do not think that anyone gets money for advertisements here. Molisan is really strong! Molisan очень сильный препарат!
I lave Molisani.
Molisan is a very good agent for face care. I didn’t achieve any result, but my family members are very satisfied with it. I had face rashes. Of course, I received a result, but not the desirable one. Anyway, I’m very satisfied as compared to the previous situation my face is clean.
I’m very happy that such a medication as Molisan exists.
Molisan must be in every family, it really creates miracles. We used it in our family.
This is the best remedy, I’ve ever heard about. My friend had feet nail fungi and Molisan treated it. I use it for face care. It’s brilliant!!!
Molisan helped me very much. I was using it for almost 3 months and it purified my face as if I had no rashes on it.
I bought Molisan for myself, to treat a very hard disease called vitiligo… I applied it but with no result. When I used it on my face, it cleaned up (during its use you shouldn’t touch your face with hands). On my mom’s neck appeared a spot, the size of a fingernail. Then it grew up, grew up and grew up… I kindly asked her to use Molisan. In 5 days approximately the spot started to slough off, and then disappeared, but visually it was seen as a red area. Afterwards, she used it for 10 days. Molisan helped to purify her skin totally. Most probably, that disease was psoriasis, I can’t say it exactly.
Then we gave Molisan to our relative. As she told me she was using it for hemorrhoids treatment and achieved perfect result… it’s a pity that I had no result, but it’s ok. This medication is good indeed and heals different diseases.
I like Molisan. I have an ideal result.
As soon as I applied Molisan in several hours my face skin became so different. I was so delighted. After several days everyone noticed that I look absolutely different. Generally, in my case a miracle happened.
. I apply it on my body after bath and all the spots, which I had totally disappeared.
Molisan is a very strong thing. I achieved a very good result.
It is very good that you produce this product.
Thanks to Molisan creators…
thanks to my Teo for finding this universal remedy.
About 1 week passed since I’ve bought Molisan for my hair and I already feel a result.
It is inredible. Molisan strongly helped us.
Molisan is very strong for face skin and hair loss. I’m satisfied.
Molisan is very effective. I used it and I’m very satisfied with its result.
Molisan is incredible. Apply it on your washed face with cotton tampon each evening and you will get the result very soon.
I was using Molisan for nasal cavity washing at sinusitis. It strongly helped us to treat the disease. I’m satisfied.
Molisan is really the best. It helps with different conditions. We used it in our family.
At acne and different diseases you can use only Molisan and Molisan once again to get back your beauty. I’m making advertising. I saw the result of its use on myself as I applied it.
Molisan is a very strong medication.
Molisan is the best thing indeed! Thank you very much. I had acne and Molisan was right for me…. I’m very satisfied. I bought 2 bottles already and I’m planning to buy the 3rd one.
I liked Molisan very much….
It has great effect in a short period of time…
I also use Molisan and I’m very satisfied with it. Thanks to Molisan author
Hello, I want to tell you that I had purulent rash on my back for several years. I used different medications but it didn’t help…. With the help of Molisan use for 1 month I reached the following result: 80% or rashes disappeared… some of them stayed, but the result is as a comparison of heaven and earth! It is a very strong medication.
Molisan is a miraculous remedy for face skin.
I use it for my face and it is really the best.
Molisan is a brilliant remedy indeed. I like it very much.
Molisan costs 30 GeoLari and it is really very effective.
Molisan purifies face skin totally. I used it for 1 month and liked it very much. But you should clear your face with Molisan for minimum 5-6- times a day if you want to get a result. It also helps to eliminate skin pores and makes skin face smooth.
Molisan became a real savior for our family. Our kid is 3 years and 4 months old. All this time we are suffering from skin dermatitis. We tried to treat it with different medications. I applied Molisan accidentally and I couldn’t believe my eyes!!! All rashes disappeared in 5 days. I can’t express it verbally- what it means for us! My husband has sick throat- he uses Molisan gargling and it helps. Generally: thanks for health!!! I recommend it to all!
Molisan is very strong. I’m using it for 1 month only. My rashes strengthened during the 1st week, but now I achieved a very good result. I must admit, that Molisan purifies skin spots very well.
Molisan is a good medication. I saw this. May God grant joy to Molisan inventor.
This is the moment when you want to criticize it, but Molisan really works so well.
I used Molisan for my face and it is great. It really has an incredible effect.
Your Molisan made me very happy and thank you once again. I didn’t know that Molisan was so good and effective.
Instead of throwing money to buy those ointments, it is better to buy Molisan and you will be satisfied.
I used it for my face and it was totally purified and whitened.
I had acne and it really worked.
I use Molisan for a long period of time and I’m so delighted as only 5 days have passed since I bought it for my face (I was using it for different things before) and terrible rashes disappeared from my face. Molisan made a deep impression on me with its effectiveness. And not only on me, but on all the members of my family as we all use it… I recommend it to all my friends and even to the strangers to buy Molisan. Molisan is not a simple solution; it is a prerequisite of healthy life. Please, tell the creator of medication that he’s a great person, may God grant him support. I wish him all the best.
This is real! 2 weeks have passed since I started to use Molisan and there are already some visual changes. If I bought it before I would already have a clean face. But it is not late even now. I clean my face with Molisan systematically. My kids are 16 years old and they had adolescence rashes. Molisan purified their faces totally and now they got no rashes. Nowadays people do not believe in it, but Molisan is a good medication indeed. Thanks you so much.
Molisan is an amazing invention of an amazing person! Molisan eliminates angina and similar diseases from your life as small troubles. I used it on myself and on the members of m family, in the field and at home!
I’m very glad that such an effective medication as Molisan exists and its price is very available. I recommend it to all my close people starting from this day as it is a universal remedy without any exaggerations. After all those expensive drugs we finally achieved a result due to Molisan.
It is really an effective medication, Molisan. I’ve got result in 3 weeks only. I’ve tried practically all things existing for sensitive skin care. But none of them gave me a result compared to Molisan, the result which I reached in 3 weeks. Many thanks for this miraculous elixir.
Molisan is an effective medication indeed. I’m using it for 3 days and it already gave us result. My kid has acne, face and body rashes. It already gave us result and I’m very glad. Many thanks to the creator of the universal source of immortality called Molisan.
My kid had terrible face rashes, which disappeared without any trace after Molisan use. I and my family thank you for this gift. It is a gift indeed, this miraculous liquid called Molisan.
4 days passed since I started Molisan use and I already get an incredible result. I can say it’s a miracle, it’s great, and there is no analogue. You should only use it properly, in the way mentioned in its instruction. Thanks to the person, who created this medication. I’m sure that Molisan will be very popular in the other countries in near future.
I want to tell you why I like Molisan so much! Molisan is N 1st remedy in my medicine chest. It is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. We use Molisan in our family permanently: for flu, for different skin diseases, as well as for personal hygiene. I recommend this unique medication to all.
2 months passed since I started to use Molisan to treat hair loss and I’m very satisfied with its result. Thanks Molisan.
I use Molisan and it gave me a wonderful result in one week only. I use it for purulent rashes on my face and it is really good.
I’m really surprised. I was suffering from tonsillitis and sinusitis for 2 years. I had terrible angina from time to time. After all, even antibiotics didn’t work. When I found out that Molisan existed, I just decided to try it: I was making throat gargling and nasal cavity wash-outs. I didn’t think that result would be so good. I was totally healed somewhat in 2 weeks; it seemed to me that even my voice changed for the better. I believe that it would be as effective for treatment of other diseases. I recommend it to all: just try it. Many thanks Molisan.
I was using Molisan for my kid. I also gave him colloidal silver: we had atopic dermatitis diagnosis. We got a very good result. I must admit that Molisan is more effective in combination with colloidal silver.
I’m very satisfied with Molisan..
It helped 4 year kid to recover from angina in 2 days. Thanks Molisan
Molisan stopped my hair loss. Many thanks Molisan.
I use Molisan for face skin care and I’m very satisfied with it. Red spots caused by acne totally disappeared from my face. It is a very good remedy indeed.
Molisan has a wonderful result. No medication could help me before. As for Molisan, it gave me a result very soon.
Molisan is really a good medication and I recommend it to everyone. Use it to treat different skin diseases. Thanks to producer of the medication.
Molisan is strong. I had not result for the first two weeks but now it is fantastic. Besides that it totally eliminated acne, it helped to improve skin structure clearly. I recommend it to all. It only needs time.
It is apparent and it is the fact, that Molisan is the most effective drug, which I’ve ever used. I’m very satisfied. I’m already finishing the 2nd bottle and I’m very glad. I want to express my gratitude to the persons, who created this “wonderful elixir”.
7 years ago on my lower extremities, under knees appeared trophic ulcers. I treated it for years using different methods, including ointments bought at the pharmacy, as well as folk remedies. But I couldn’t achieve desirable result. Each day my ulcers were accompanied with unbearable pain and itching. I read Molisan advertisement on Facebook and decided to use it. Its result exceeded my expectations. Ulcer on one leg was cured totally and recovering process on the other leg is going on successfully with good result. The result is fantastic. I turn to all people suffering from trophic ulcers: use Molisan as soon as possible. It will definitely give you a relief. I don’t know who invented this immortality liquid, but I appeal to Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of people suffering from this disease, to give honorable prize to the person, who invented Molisan, a person sent to us by God. Academician, Romuli Japharidze.
I can’t help myself from expressing gratitude to the person, who created this medication… Molisan is an incredible treatment agent indeed. It must be in every family. At the start I thought that information about it was exaggerated, but after using it I realized that it is necessary to say more: for more people to feel relief. Thank you once again and many times again and again.
I wanted to write here. Many thanks.
I’m so surprised
with its result I got in 5 days only: result, which I couldn’t achieve for years.
Many thanks to the creator of this medication! I wish you success!
Molisan is an outstanding remedy. My child has golden staphylococcus which we tried to treat using different methods for 12 years. But there was no result. Her face was full of comedones. Since we started Molisan use we saw its result. The kid’s face whitened and comedones disappeared somewhere. It is one month of Molisan” use and result is good. Now we bought the 2nd bottle and we hope to lead our treatment to its end. Thanks you, Mr. David.
It has an incredible effect for treatment of papilloma and rash. It totally purifies face skin.
I apply it about 10 times a day using the so-called cotton tampon. I got the result very soon: on the 4th day two papillomas dried and just dropped down. I also feel that my face is cleaning, purulent rash appear and afterwards it disappear again. I did not expect such a result.
I’d never had purulent rashes before, but Molisan purified my face totally. At the beginning your face is covered with rashes and you should keep using Molisan”. Now I have slight rashes, but I notice that day by day my face looks better and rashes disappear. Generally, Molisan was absolutely right for the reason I bought it and I’m very satisfied!
10 days passed since I’m using this amazing tincture! I’ve been fighting with my face rashes for 4 years already; I tried all modern methods and procedures: chemical peeling, plasma lifting, mesotherapy, microdermal abrasion… But Molisan 10-day-use exceeded all my expectations! Thank you so much and I recommend it to people thinking that it is a myth, just try it!!!
Molisan is a wonderful medication, as soon as you start using it, you will see a miraculous result. In my case it cured untreatable rashes which I tried to heal for years. I also felt a wonderful result with gums problem. I want to express my gratitude to Molisan inventor, Mr. David Tomadze and to the whole group, which actively works on Molisan production.
It is effective.
I’m very satisfied with its result.
Molisan is a very effective remedy and I’m very happy that such a good product is produced in Georgia!
Now I’ll explain it all to you.
You should wash your face with room temperature water and let your skin dry. Then apply Molisan foments almost to the whole face. At that time Molisan steam evaporation takes place on your face. After 10 minutes you should repeat this process. Three time a day. It depends on what kind of rashes you have. Or 5 times a day. Did you get it? After all you shouldn’t wash your face as Molisan left on your face evaporates and skin cells rejuvenate, and dead cells are replaced by new ones. It is restricted to torment your face with fingers or other devices. If you trust me, 3 weeks are enough to reach a result. Use it and you will have no regrets regarding money spent on it. Healthy skin, healthy food, don’t forget it.
1 bottle is 1 litter. It will be good if you use Molisan from time to time after you finished your treatment. As I couldn’t continue, my skin is slightly irritated and it’s caused by dust. But it was very effective, indeed. I’m going to use it until my skin gets healthy. The result will be stable if you won’t irritate your skin.
В общем, в жизни не покупала лекарства, сравнимого по эффективности с Molisanом! Я очень им довольна, уже купила вторую партию!!! Необыкновенное лекарство!
In my life I’ve never bought a medication compared to its results effectiveness with Molisan! I’m very satisfied with Molisan. I’ve bought the second bottle already!!! It’s an incredible medication!
It’s very strong. I use it instead of deodorant in my armpits. When I had gingivitis, several Molisan gargling helped me. In a word, if you have Molisan, you are protected.
Molisan really possesses miracle effectiveness. My kid makes Molisan garglings: he has acute tonsillitis (I refrain from surgery). We started Molisan gargling for 3 days and we got apparent result: purulent patch disappeared, redness and pain melt away.
Я собираюсь провести длительный курс лечения Molisanом. We are going to perform long-time treatment with Molisan. Thank you very much and I have a great hope that one perfect day classical, torturing and commercial medicine will be replaced by natural and traditional remedies like yours.
I use this medication quite well: for angina, face cleaning (face spots discolor). I like Molisan very much. I also use it when my kid has running nose… It’s very strong.
A miracle medication…
Thank you very much that you exist and provide us essential information.
You don’t even know, Mr. David, what kind of pain disappeared from my life with the help of Molisan. I wish you joy. I can’t express it verbally. I was suffering from the so-called simple herpes on my lip for 4 years; it hardened, increased, than burst. And for 4 years there was no healing, it was getting wet and the wetting never dried. I had terrible pain, I didn’t want to go outside and when I was walking in the street I was hiding my lip with my hand. When I used Molisan for the first time, it gave me relief, I had no pain. On the 2nd day wetting dried, inflammation stopped and it is already healing. May God give you joy and strength. I’m very grateful to you. God bless you.
It is an incredible remedy!!! Molisan helped my kid to heal chronic tonsillitis (purulent glands). Before Molisan use even after antibiotics course inflammation was coming back in 2-3 weeks. Moreover, I’m very satisfied with colloidal copper and gold. Thanks MOLISAN!
I use Molisan. It’s universal. It helped my kid to heal flu and cough in one week. It is used in gynecology as well. All the members of my family take “Living Water”. It is very good.
I’ve been using Molisan for vaginal sanitation for several months already and I’m very satisfied with its results.
Мы применяем Molisan в гинекологии. Очень хороший раствор.
Применим при многих вопросах.
We use Molisan in gynecology.
It is a very good solution. With multiple ways of use!
Molisan is a very effective remedy. I’m very satisfied!!!
The strongest medication!!!!
I’m Molisan fan!
It is an incredible medication!
You have a miraculous medication!
I like Molisan very much!
I’m very satisfied with Molisan. It’s very effective. I use it for my face, as well as for oral cavity. It is very good. It helps any kind of inflammation.
Molisan is a very strong medication. It is a second day as I’m using it for feet fungi and it has an incredible result. Thank you, Mr. David, for this unusual medication. I could never imagine that I would have such a result in one day only.
Molisan has a good visual appearance.
I like it.
Owing to Molisan allergic rashes on my face disappeared traces of old rashes cleared and natural function of my skin recovered so that I hardly use nutritious crèmes. After make-up washing with soap, I do not dry my face, just wait until it dries. And in the morning, after face washing and Molisan apply
I just wait until my face dries and only after it I do my make-up.
Friends, I made a comment that Molisan is a discovery for allergic skin, it purifies it. But I didn’t make a comment to answer your questions day after day and waste my time on it. I just shared my experience, but please, do not disturb me, and do not ask for additional information or evidence! As if you don’t trust me for the first time, you won’t believe my words for the second time as well. And there is no use to talk about it once again. Don’t think that I make advertisement and they pay me money for it.
I see it every day in my chat: is that true that Molisan helps problematic skin? Please, justify it and explain how to use Molisan. I’ve already told you that it really helps, regarding the way of its use; you can find it in Internet.
I had seborrhea for 10 years approximately. If you had it, you know those terrible itching, dry skin. It is peeled off in a terrible way. I want to say it definitely once again, I really had that disease! Doctors in one voice prescribed me”Nisoral” shampoo. I use it periodically, actually with no result. If I was using it for longer than a month, skin on my head was burning. And if I was using it for a shorter period, it didn’t work. Once I read about seborrhea and what it was exactly and I revealed that Molisan contains elements that are used for my disease treatment. I applied it on my head skin for a week, every night. More than 2 months passed since that. My skin is in a very good condition. It never gets dry, it is not peeled off and I have no itching.
I like the way Molisan effects on the smell of sweat. I’m not using anything else. I feel comfortable all day long. Thanks Molisan!!
Molisan influences very well on many things. I’ve already used it. Personally I’m very satisfied with it. So, all information about Molisan is true.
Molisan is not a panacea,
but it is a very effective medication.
Molisan should be handed in our country as humanitarian aid.
I’m talking about it seriously.
I’m very satisfied with Molisan. It helps very well when you have tonsillitis.
Thank you.
Molisan foments use are very effective for trophic ulcers.
It is a good remedy!!!
Molisan costs 29 lari.
It is very good for stomatitis. I’m using it.
I recommend to all to buy Molisan. It you don’t have internal problem, it helps any kind of rashes, and not only rashes.
Molisan is a very strong remedy. I recommend it to singers to use it, as it returns even lost notes and it is useful not only for treatment of vocal cords. To the persons wishing to lose weight, take “Living Water”. Thank you very much!!!!!
This happiness costs 29 lari. It is very good. I didn’t use it for face cleaning, but it helps purulent rashes in a perfect way.
Molisan is a very strong medication indeed!!!
I’m very satisfied with Molisan.
It’s an incredible medication.
Molisan is right not only for acne; it is good for fungi and many other things. It is a very good medication.
Molisan is very effective for solving many problems.
I use it too, and when I used it for the first time, it gave me a result immediately. I was using many drugs, but none of them had such a result.
Molisan is the best medication, I’m very satisfied. Thank you.
I’ve bought Molisan already, applied it on my face and my skin became so soft. Let us see what happens after its permanent use.
I can’t keep myself from writing: 2 days have passed since I applied Molisan on my face and I’m surprised. I didn’t believe in it before. Thank you.
It’s a shock!!! I bought Molisan today, used it once and I already have a result! I’m going to clean my face in the evening. It’s a miracle.
I’m very satisfied with Molisan. It is the 2nd day since I’ve started to use it for face cleaning and I got a result.
Molisan is a miracle! I’ve never used such a medication.
Molisan is a wonderful medication!
It’s a real miracle.
For example, I apply Molisan on my face every evening, morning and afternoon. Every time I remember it. It changed my skin totally. Thanks.
Use it!
Molisan is effective, indeed.
Personally I used 1 bottle of Molisan in 3 weeks. I started to use the 2nd one and got a very good result. The more often you use it, the better result is. For example, I even apply foment at night and during the day. I clean my face in 10-15 minutes.
People, Molisan really helps. It’s very good.
It helped me in one week only!!!
I’m using Molisan already. I get a result.
It’s very important not to irritate skin simultaneously.
Molisan is a miraculous and good thing…
My kid was free from acne in 5 days….
It is the 4th day since I’ve started to use Molisan. I’m very satisfied. I even took photos of my rashes before I started Molisan use and 4 days later. The result is apparent.
I’m very satisfied with your medication Molisan. It gave me a very fast and good result. I use it in the morning and in the evening.
I use this product; I must admit it once again: it is the strongest one!!! Apply Molisan on your face with cotton tampon, several times a day!!! A very strong product!!! Bravo!!!!!
I got a result on the 2nd day!!!
I used Molisan and its result is the strongest one.
I recommend it to all.
It’s good.
It just needs time, but Molisan is effective indeed.
Molisan is really strong.
I’ve started treatment with Molisan 4 days ago and the result is obvious.
This medication is very effective
I tried it and I’m very satisfied. I was suffering from face rashes for years and Molisan helped me to get free from it.
Molisan is the strongest medication of all!!!
People, Molisan is really very strong. I like it very much.
I got perfect results.
2 weeks have passed since I started to use Molisan.
It really cures acne. It performs miracles…
Buy Molisan. It performs miracles on your face.
Molisan is incredible and I’m very grateful to Nino Gogilashvili who advised me to use it. I got an incredible result.
Molisan is very strong. It is so good that we sent it to Italy.
People take it to different countries.
One week has already passed since I started Molisan use for hair loss treatment. I got very good result. Hair loss stopped. Thank you very much for such a good product.
Molisan is a unique remedy.
Oh, Molisan is really strong!!!
Molisan helps to eliminate pigmented spots, including the ones caused by the sun burn and most probably it helps to eliminate spots caused by rash traces.
Buy Molisan at the Pharmacy N23 next to Marjanishvili Metro Station, at the Pharmacy, where medications are prepared. Ask there. It’s universal.
Molisan is very strong indeed. My husband had gingivitis. He used Molisan gargling for one week and there is no trace of inflammation left.
Molisan is sold at the Pharmacy N 23, next to Marjanishvili Metro. Ask there and you will be very grateful, really. I saw result in 2 weeks. I was making Molisan foments to the most irritated and red areas. I was soaking tampons in Molisan often. I warm it a bit and result is better. At the beginning I thought it was nothing, but I was applying it on my scares often and it helped me. I don’t think the expiry date is one month only, I think it’s not less than 3 months.
I’m very satisfied with Molisan.
It’s a great thing. I’m very satisfied with this medication. I used Molisan for wound treatment, burns as well as for acne. It’s very strong. It healed my fingers which were always peeled off.
Molisan is very strong.
Sooner or later, I finally bought Molisan. It’s the strongest one. I use it for my hair, personal hygiene… for face cleaning… and for many other things. It’s the strongest one. Thank you very much. I’m going to buy it again… the great one.
Molisan is very good. Indeed. We had angina and running nose, and came out of this state without antibiotics.
I’m using Molisan for 5 days already. The result is really good. It eliminated rashes; my skin became miraculously soft and tender. I’m very satisfied. Thank you very much for helping me.
Molisan is a very good thing. I have it and I’m very satisfied.
Molisan - it's a miracle.
I used it but in vain. It didn’t give me any result.
So, it’s a lie. It’s a lie when they write it’s good.
It’s not a lie. I had rashes during pregnancy. Nothing could help me. I used ointments. But Molisan helped me the best. I also had hemorrhoids and it also disappeared. It’s very strong.
3 days since I’ve started to use Molisan. I apply it after face washing many times. I read that the more often you apply it the better result is. My rashes strengthened very much, as I expected. I hope, it starts to eliminate soon.
It’s the second day I’m using Molisan. The result is evident. Indeed.
Molisan is a miracle comes true. It must be handed in every family as a gift. It performs miracles for everything absolutely.
One week passed since I started to use Molisan. I can’t say I had too intensive rashes before I’ve started to apply it; as I didn’t have too many rashes. But I had allergy on something and it disturbed me. On the 1st day Molisan soothed my face. When I woke up on the 2nd day, my face was in abnormally terrible state as all inflammatory processes located subcutaneously came to the surface owing to Molisan. This state lasted for 3-4 days and afterwards, bit by bit, started to sooth and now it’s almost eliminated. It’s very good. For more effectiveness, wash your face with special soap created for acne. I personally use “Sebamed” soap and it’s very effective. Do not use “Safeguard” and other chemical soaps. For the last 3 days I take “Living Water” in the morning, on empty stomach. In a word it really has result. The most important thing is a wish and patience to come through that terrible face for several days. More often you use it the better result is.
Molisan cleaned all my imperfections in a week without any aggravation. As I guess, it works individually. I was so happy that I couldn’t move away from the mirror for 3 days. Now I use it for prophylaxis and clean my face with Molisan after washing. I do not wipe it; just wait until it’s dry. It is a genius remedy. I like it very much….
I’ve never bought a medication similar in effectiveness with Molisan! I apply it on my face and my appearance changed radically for the better!
Molisan is the best thing I’ve ever used.
Thanks Molisan.
I used it and didn’t like it.
At the beginning it helped me a bit for 3-4 days and afterwards rashes strengthened.
Molisan took your inflammations to the surface. You shouldn’t stop it. The same thing happened to me, but after it my face cleaned. I must admit, that Molisan warmed is more effective. I got result in 1 month.
2 weeks have passed since I started Molisan use for staphylococcal rash and I got result, indeed. At the beginning it seemed like my rash strengthened, but later I guessed that it purified skin totally. After it my face cleared absolutely
I bought Molisan lately and applied it 2 times. I got a result already.
It’s really a wonderful liquid.
I like Molisan very much.
It is really very effective.
Molisan cures indeed.
Briefly, I’m using it for 7 days already and it didn’t help at all. I’m in my adolescence period and its rashes. But my mom and dad had some problems and Molisan eliminated them all. It doesn’t influence on me only.
I’m using Molisan for 2 weeks already, maybe longer. The result is truly evident.
Molisan is fantastic!
It’s great. When I bought Molisan and opened the bottle, I poured it to the closed bottle, so it was enough for a long period of time. The effect is strong. I sighed with a relief.
I’m interested whether it is acceptable to apply foundations during Molisan use? Do they decrease the medication effect? And after what period of time the effect will be noticeable?
The effect will be evident in one week already…
I apply Molisan 4-5 times a day and I like it very much.
I’m satisfied… After applying Molisan, I use foundation and nutritious crème is not needed as Molisan softens my skin so well… I’m very satisfied. Thanks to its creator.
It is very good, indeed… I saw significantly great result in one day… Bravo!!!
It is perfect for intimate prophylaxis! I use it once a month for 3-4 days before cycle and for 3-4 days after it! One-time procedure is enough. You will be protected over the whole period!
It turned out that Molisan in warmed state is more effective for acne treatment…
Mariam Mgeladze It is 100% effective.
Molisan is a very good remedy. I use it for 7 days already and it has perfect effect.
It helps and heals many diseases. It is sold in Kutaisi, at Malvina’s pharmacy.
It is a very good thing, really good… I took two bottles to Germany. But now it disturbs me, the fact that it’s not available here. Is it possible to make an order from abroad?
It is great for your face. I’m satisfied.
I’m the same as before...
Oh, Girl! A worse thing happened to me. Rashes appeared all over my face. And I felt result only on 11th day. Don’t give up!
Oh, it doesn’t help me too. My rashes intensified.
People, one week passed since I started to use Molisan, but with all possible laziness, I apply it only once a day. And it’s a normal thing that rashes intensify at the beginning but after applying medication they became lighter and finally disappear. I achieved a very good result with such a regime. And if I followed their recommendations maybe my rashes disappeared in 3 days.
Don’t stop using it. Molisan in warmed state will definitely help you. I’m satisfied. But at the beginning rashes increased, then disappeared. I got result in 1 month. I advise you to proceed.
It is really a wonderful medication.
I buy Molisan often. One gargling is enough to heal sore throat. It eliminates face rashes very well.
I’m 13 years old. But I don’t have acne, I have comedones. Molisan is very good for it. I recommend it to all. It’s expensive, but your beauty needs expenses. Molisan is the most effective medication. Thanks Molisan
I’m very satisfied. In case of my child it healed purulent glands!!!
Molisan must be in every family. It is a miraculously effective remedy.
Molisan It’s great!!!
I’m very satisfied. There is no trace of dandruff left, indeed!
One week passed since I bought it. It is really good.
I agree with you. It’s a miraculous medication Molisan.
I personally used it and I’m very satisfied.
Molisan it is very effective. I like it.
I’m very satisfied. There is no trace of dandruff left, indeed!
It’s a fact! It helps all the above mentioned conditions.
I’m 11 years old, I bought Molisan and I’m using it for 4 days. It helped me very much. Thank you so much.
It has great result on bedsores. I personally used it and I can’t describe it verbally …
I don’t have acne or other staphylococcal infections. I use it for cleaning and I’m very satisfied.
Molisan is a very effective remedy.
It’s a lie.
It didn’t help my rashes. They just intensified.
Persons, who say that it didn’t help! When I start talking to them, it turns out they didn’t use it according to recommendations. They make me mad. As they think if a bottle of Molisan stands in their bathroom, rashes will melt away by themselves.
It’s a miraculous thing. I advise you all, buy it. I’m very satisfied with its results.
I agree with you to 100%: Molisan is really good.
I’m limitlessly satisfied with Molisan. Thank you very much.